Friday, November 1

Just Tricks

The HBS Halloween party was a flashback to my old New York days. A lot of people paying $6 for mediocre drinks and looking desperately to get laid. Kara and I couldn’t help but notice that all of the partners had on outfits that pretty much covered their bodies (a nun, a pregnant bride, a coroner), while the HBS women had on outfits that bared all (cheerleaders, French maids, a lot of whores [that’s women dressed as; that’s not my judgment. Well… no, It’s not my judgment] with their male pimps with them) and the men were mostly trashed. Adam didn’t understand why I told him annoyedly that if he let one more half-naked woman touch his Q-Tip head, I was going to knee him (although I said it with slight more description). Overall it was a decent time, although the setting was definitely more of a hook-up place than a meet-people-and-talk place (there was nowhere where the music wasn’t extremely loud), although we did speak for a while from a very nice couple from Minneapolis (he’s in Adam’s section).


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