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We haven't actually seen it happen, but when I checked a half hour ago, Doodles was fast asleep on his stomach. When Adam just checked on him, Doodles was on his back. Which means that either someone has been sneaking into our house and rolling our child over or he's learned how to roll from his front to his back. Which is exciting. And scary. Because a child who can roll from his back to his front and his front to his back is officially mobile. Also, when Adam went to get Doodles this morning, he was on his hands and knees, rocking back and forth, a precursor to crawling. Luckily, it takes Doodles a very long time to get from one stage to the next, so I'm don't think he'll be scooting around anytime soon. The downside to all of this is that Doodles is waking during the night--twice on average, once at midnight, once at three a.m.--and screaming for about an hour at a time. We're not sure if he's teething (we read that the two upper teeth come in three to four weeks after the two lower, and, hey, it's been about four weeks since those lowers poked through) or if these new developments on Doodles's part is interrupting his sleep. And speaking of interrupted sleep, there goes the little squawk on the baby monitor. At least I know I won't have to roll him over.
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