Wednesday, October 27

A Father Is Born

Once upon a time, when I was a corporate drone, I had a wonderful officemate, even though on occasion he did drive me crazy with his pachinko music (and refusing to wear headphones when listening to said music) and his penchant for pumping me for information on my dating life (which, at the time, could be termed active). We both loved Virgin Radio, old flicks, and gummy bears. It was an office made in heaven and it unfortunately ended prematurely.

And even though he just wrote me the most horrific e-mail I have ever received (damn you, Simon, for putting those images in my head!), I still hold Simon in great esteem. So it was with tremendous happiness that I welcome his and Molly's daughter to the world. And it is with just a touch of schadenfreude that I relish that he has no idea what's about to hit him: sleepless nights, wifely hormonal mood swings, nonstop crying (and from the baby, too!). I think this makes up for the pachinko music.

And for the record, Adam would like to suggest the name Pedro or Curt. I'd like to suggest Pete or Geoff.

Welcome to the world, Lump. It's going to be quite a ride!


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