Wednesday, June 15

What to Write?

It's that time of week again: blogging time. I've decided I'd like to write about something that has nothing to do with Doodles or my pregnancy... but I've been wracking my brain about it all day and I'm drawing a blank. I won't write about work because, well, I think it's unprofessional. I can't write about my friends because if they want to be written about, they'll start their own blogs. I've already stated that I don't like writing about politics. No point in writing about books or movies: I keep a separate blog for that.

I could write about the fact that our appliances seems to be in mass rebellion. Our scanner died. The oven needs to be replaced. Adam's car conked out in the middle of the highway. We have a few thousand dollars worth of decisions to make here, but hey, really, I barely have the energy to care about this stuff, so why would you care?

Hmm. I didn't get into this year's New York marathon. Not that I would have run it this year, but I'd defer to the following year and run it in 2006. I'll still try again next year, but it's easier motivate to train when you're guaranteed an entry. However, Adam did get in, and he's already stated that he can run a 4:40 marathon, so we'll see what happens. Call it a hunch, but I don't think he'll be running that 4:40 marathon this year. But there, that's now been written, so what else is there to say?

So what does that mean? It means I'm stuck writing about Doodles and my pregnancy. My neighbors very kindly threw me a shower this past weekend, and suddenly, there is a wealth of pink in this house. It occurs to me, I have no idea where to store Sugar Face's stuff. Doodle's stuff is everywhere. There's no room for anything else! I keep thinking, "Oh, I still need to clean Doodle's old clothes and toys/wash the new clothes/read up on labor (since I didn't go through it the first time)/plan what to do with Doodles when it's time for me to go to the hospital/set up the cosleeper/find a doula/etc...Oh, but there's plenty of time!" It occurred to me just the other day, "Hey, it's third trimester time! Time's running out!" While Doodles was a planned C, it was an unplanned planned C when my water broke at 37 weeks and 1 day. Which means if Sugar Face comes on the same time frame, I've got about 8 1/2 weeks. And unlike my first pregnancy it means I have an hour here and an hour there, which adds up to about 8 1/2--maybe 10--hours between now and d-day or b-day, as I suppose it should more appropriately be called. Of course, I don't know why, but my hunch is that Sugar Face is going to be late. Which means I'll hurry up and prepare and then have lots of time when I'll be sitting around twiddling my thumbs.

Hey, as I'm sitting here typing, my belly is moving all by itself. Thump, thump, thump. Doin' a little dance all on it's own.

Yeah, I know. I really didn't have anything to write.


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