Wednesday, May 31

Random Thoughts on Meeting a Fellow Blogger

Am I nuts for saying I'll meet another blogger? Not just another blogger, but her entire clan? What if her kids don't like my kids? What if my kids don't like her kids? What if I don't like her? What if we have nothing to say to each other in real life? Her blog is cool; what if she's not?

Oh God, maybe she thinks my blog is cool but then won't think I'm cool? OHMYGOD, what if she thinks my blog is lame and is just meeting me out of pity or cruel fascination, like, "Hey, let's go check out that lame blog person and see if she's as pathetic in person!"

Okay, she seems really cool. Her fiance seems really cool. Their kids are definitely cool. Doodles likes them. They like Doodles. Conversation is flowing. Good, good. Wait, this story I'm telling her. Didn't I blog it already? So has she read it? Does she think I have nothing new to say that I have to repeat stories I've already blogged about? Am I a one-trick pony? I never know what to say to people who read my blog! I mean, I can't assume everyone's read everything I've written. In which case, if I don't say anything, then I seem weird, leaving out big chunks of a story, if she hasn't read it. But if she has read most of my blog, then it's simply tedious, my repeating things I've already written about and I must seem really boring, like that great-uncle everyone has who tells the same three stories a million times.

Okay, I've now known this person for an hour, but I know incredibly personal things about her life from her blog. So do I acknowledge this and ask about it? I mean, her "about me" on the front of her blog, right there up front, acknowledges that she's divorced and she went through IVF (though not in that order). Do I pretend I don't know that about her? I don't normally bring up stuff like infertility and marital relations until, oh, the third hour of knowing someone. But if I play dumb, then will she think I'm a jerk for meeting up with her without having read her blog? Did I just confess that I read her blog while I pump for Sweetie? Ewww! Brain to mouth: use the filter!

Time to head out. It was fun. Do I blog about it, knowing that she'll read it? Or do I not blog about it because I know she'll read it? Do we get together again? Do I call? Do I write? Oh, the pressure, the pressure! Life was so much easier when I was eight and I had a pen pal. I had to have stamps. And paper. And pen. And there was a nice long wait between communication--none of this anyone can read what I write crap. Although, come to think of it, I was lousy at writing back and my pen pal ultimately ended up writing vaguely threatening letters wondering why I never sent her any missives, and I guess that really wasn't any easier, so scratch that.

Jeez, and I thought that once I was married I'd get to stop dating. Who knew?


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