Wednesday, July 16

No Thanks Needed

Those who know me personally know that my OCD gets the better of me when any type of Martha Stewart task is involved, like the kids' birthdays. I like to go whole hog. Including making rather involved invitations. I've actually gotten to the point where they don't take that long to make, but they aren't just filling in the blanks on preprinted cards, either. There's photography and Photoshopping involved. So the kids' cards are done. I show each of them the card.

First, Pie:
Me: Sweetie, this is the invitation to your party.
Pie: Mommy! It's pretty! Look at me on it! It's pretty! Thank you, Mommy!

I show Doodles the card I've made for him.

Doodles: Okay.
Me: Do you like it?
Doodles: It's fine.
Me: Is there anything different you'd like on there?
Doodles: No. It's good.

Clearly Doodles has attended the Adam School of Reactions. Lucky me!

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Blogger Veronica said...

haha! Sounds like you have a lil man on your hands is more like it. My hubby & my BFFs hubby respond the same way.

12:39 PM  

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