Dressing a Diva and Other Stories
My son really, really loves Star Wars. Hasn't seen it yet, of course. However, I've authorized the gifting of Episode IV for Doodles for Hanukkah. However, I'm a little fearful. Last night we woke up from a bad dream. In his bad dream, someone was out to get him. Who? you might ask. Well of course. It was King Antiochus. If a Roman king can keep him up at night, just think what Jabba the Hut will do for him.
Getting Pie dressed in the morning is always something of an ordeal. She has very specific ideas about what she wants to wear, but sometimes they can't be formulated until she's stood in front of her clothes for five minutes. "Today I want to wear... pants! No! A long-sleeved dress! No! A skirt! That one. With... not that top. No, not that top. Not that one either. Um, okay, that one!"
Doodles, of course, gets himself dressed in the morning. His clothes don't always completely coordinate, but if he doesn't care, I don't care either. However, I noticed that he was wearing the same clothes week in, week out. The same five shirts. The same five pants. Which was surprising because he had so many other tops that I was pretty sure he liked.
And then, I realized something. Doodles wears five tops and five bottoms. On the weekend, Adam washes the clothes. He puts those five tops and five bottoms away. On the top. In the drawer. Of course. As an experiment, I went into the drawer, took the five tops and the five bottoms, and I placed them on the bottom of the clothes piles in the drawers. Choosing my five favorite shirts that he hadn't worn in a while, I put those on the top. I also put vaguely coordinating pants on the top in the bottom drawer.
And, voila! The next week, we had an entirely new wardrobe on the boy. He cares so little about his clothes that he simply grabs whatever is on the top of the pile. So now I do a weekly clothes rotation, and he never knows that I'm choosing what he wears.
My sister-in-law will out of town the coming weekend and we'll be in Miami Beach shortly after that, so we got together yesterday with everyone to celebrate Hanukkah early. My SIL gave to Pie a purse with a zipper that Pie loved. But what was even better is that in the purse was a bunch of foreign money, primarily Egyptian money, from a trip SIL took a couple of years ago.
Pie took the money out, put the money back in. She leafed through it. She held it close. Oh, money! But then when she got to the coins, she took one look at the Twenty Piastres piece, and declared, "Mommy, it's broken." She handed me the coin. "You keep it. I don't want it. It's missing a piece."
Don't you go trying to pass off any wooden nickels to my little girl!
Getting Pie dressed in the morning is always something of an ordeal. She has very specific ideas about what she wants to wear, but sometimes they can't be formulated until she's stood in front of her clothes for five minutes. "Today I want to wear... pants! No! A long-sleeved dress! No! A skirt! That one. With... not that top. No, not that top. Not that one either. Um, okay, that one!"
Doodles, of course, gets himself dressed in the morning. His clothes don't always completely coordinate, but if he doesn't care, I don't care either. However, I noticed that he was wearing the same clothes week in, week out. The same five shirts. The same five pants. Which was surprising because he had so many other tops that I was pretty sure he liked.
And then, I realized something. Doodles wears five tops and five bottoms. On the weekend, Adam washes the clothes. He puts those five tops and five bottoms away. On the top. In the drawer. Of course. As an experiment, I went into the drawer, took the five tops and the five bottoms, and I placed them on the bottom of the clothes piles in the drawers. Choosing my five favorite shirts that he hadn't worn in a while, I put those on the top. I also put vaguely coordinating pants on the top in the bottom drawer.
And, voila! The next week, we had an entirely new wardrobe on the boy. He cares so little about his clothes that he simply grabs whatever is on the top of the pile. So now I do a weekly clothes rotation, and he never knows that I'm choosing what he wears.
My sister-in-law will out of town the coming weekend and we'll be in Miami Beach shortly after that, so we got together yesterday with everyone to celebrate Hanukkah early. My SIL gave to Pie a purse with a zipper that Pie loved. But what was even better is that in the purse was a bunch of foreign money, primarily Egyptian money, from a trip SIL took a couple of years ago.
Pie took the money out, put the money back in. She leafed through it. She held it close. Oh, money! But then when she got to the coins, she took one look at the Twenty Piastres piece, and declared, "Mommy, it's broken." She handed me the coin. "You keep it. I don't want it. It's missing a piece."
Don't you go trying to pass off any wooden nickels to my little girl!
Hey, I'd love it if Pepe was like Doodle, or even like Pie. Dressing him is an ordeal. He does not want to get changed, no matter which clothes. So now we are skipping PJs. He gets dressed before bedtime and wears the same clothes the next day. Ana-maria
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