Grievances for the Year 5763
- The upstairs vanity still hasn't come so I have to go downstairs to brush my teeth.
- Adam's weblog is getting more hits than mine (although he's linked only from boring MBA sites, so I shouldn't care) (and if you just clicked through to see his weblog, then damn you!).
- The services at the Harvard Hillel are run completely by students, which means a less-than-inspiring sermon was given by a boy who's 14 years my junior.
- My head hurts
- It took me five days to do four loads of laundry. Normally Adam does it, but he's been sick, so I'm doing it. But invariably what happens is I put a load in the wash and then forget about it for a few days, so by the time I put the clothes into the dryer and start a new load, there's a slightly funky smell to the laundry. Of course, this could have to do with the traumatization I experienced as a young child (age 10). I was forced to do the family's wash. I hated to do the family's wash. But I wasn't allowed to go out until the wash was done. Actually, it wasn't so much doing the wash I despised as folding the clothes. I learned, though, that if I hid unfolded clothes in the bottom drawer of my dresser and told my mother it was all done and folded and put away, then I could play. As these stories tend to go, I got caught one day. My mother wondered why my father's pajamas, her T-shirts, and my sister's socks and underwear were in my dresser drawer. I can't remember what happened, but I'm guessing there was a grounding involved. And I still had to do the family laundry.
- I bought a pad to keep my chair from rolling across the room, but my chair still rolls across the room.
- I filled a bird feeder with seed and put it up a week ago and not a single bird has come to nibble.
I guess that's it. L'Shana Tova.
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