Random Thoughts
What is up with Braintree? I mean who frick thought, "Gee, Braintree would be a great name for a city?"... Note to Adam: A blue shirt and khaki pants with a gray sweater over it is still a blue shirt and khaki pants...I may be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I find myself oddly longing to be shipped off to a warehouse to wrap presents like Santa's elf on speed. I mean, what will I do with myself? How does the rest of the (American) world keep themselves occupied between Thanksgiving and Christmas?...Note to Martin: Age is only in your head until you start to experience back pain. Then it's in your head and in your back...Why is Adam's weblog still getting more hits than mine (don't you click on that link! This is a test. You need to prove to me that you like me better) when he writes like three sentences once a week? And I know this because I check up on his stats--in a very noncompetitive way, of course... Does anyone else remember when people didn't count "days till Christmas" but "shopping days till Christmas" and it didn't include Sundays? Or am I making that up?... I read in a cooking magazine that some people "overdress" their sweet potatoes with marshmallows (or is it smarshmallows?). How can marshmallows ever be considered "overdressed"? What isn't improved with the addition of marshmallows?...Including today, there are just 12 days--shopping and nonshopping--until Adam's 30th birthday, unless I counted wrong (how many days until the 8th?). Or are you supposed to count the actual day of birthday in there? I'm never clear on that....Cold-eeze are magic...What the heck are we going to do on New Year's Eve?...Why do you think our Founding Fathers decided to pick a state name--Massachusetts--that's so hard to spell?...A sign of blogging too much? I keep trying to put ital tags--<i>and</i>--in my novel instead of just italing.
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