Tuesday, December 31


December 31 seems to scream for declarations. For this is what I've done and this is what I'll be doing. I'm quite susceptible to this and every year dutifully make up a list of resolutions, most of which, of course, never pan out. But it doesn't stop me. Tomorrow I'll go over my list for the coming year. Looking over my resolutions from last year, I completed... not a one. And yet, why do I persist? Because they were still goals I had that I worked for, and while they changed over year, the idea was still there in the back of my head. And many of the resolutions weren't fulfilled for very good reasons.

Last year's resolutions and where I stand on them:
1. Get to the point where I can do three pull-ups in a row--Nope, not even close. However, I do still work out on average three days a week, and while I'm not as fierce about it as I was before the wedding, I still do ten weight-assisted pull ups (and dips) once a week. I can't do three in a row, and I probably won't by the end of this year either, but I'm doing better.
2. Revise my novel--Definitely fell by the wayside, especially given that I've started a new novel this year. But this one isn't escaping from my to-do list yet. I've got to think about how to deal with this one this year. I think I need a more concrete goal. However, I did take two writing classes with Hugo House that helped me think about things in a new way.
3. Learn to box--I started out well on this one--Adam and I were taking a boxing fitness class at Cappy's Gym in Seattle. But of course the move to Boston threw that one off. I hear there are many good boxing gyms here, however, given Adam's school schedule, I didn't find one that had the same great early morning Saturday class. Maybe this will be revived. Maybe not.
4. Eat more fiber--Absolutely no good reason for not living up to this one. This will definitely stay on the list for another year.
5. Submit at least a piece a month--I was most loyal to this resolution. Again, the move put a big crimp on this, but I'm trying to make up for lost time. I've got four pieces out there now, and I'm determined that as rejections come it, I just turn them around and send them right out again.

So, yes, my new year's resolutions didn't pan out, but looking back, I'd have to say the year was a rousing success. The things I did accomplish or were able to participate in were, in no specific order: I almost learned how to dance (enough to at least fake it at the wedding), got married to a dreamy boy, sold our house, found a new house across the country, drove across country twice, quit my job, found a new job that actually involves writing, moved across country, took my first trip to Italy, ate 45 chicken wings, won $750 on the best girl's trip to Vegas ever, got invited to dinner at the house of a billionaire CEO, watched two dear friends get married and one have an absolutely brilliant and beautiful baby who she lets me poke (on the nose, people!) whenever I'm in town, completed some new pieces, and I'm sure many more things that I've forgotten. It was an incredible year, but despite it all, I'm truly hoping for a much quieter and sedate year for 2003.


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