Sunday, February 23

Cabin Fever

The winter is seriously getting to me. I've got that lethargic-slept-too-much feeling that I just can't shake off. Yesterday, I made Adam go for a walk in the rain with me, a lap around Fresh Pond, complete with massive puddle jumping and slush wading. Didn't help. We went to a co-ed baby shower for Wendy, which was really fun (we got to paint onesies, the best party activity I've ever tried), but that didn't wake me up. Came home. Adam had tons of work to do. But I was so tired, so I lay down for a little bit and Adam kept me company for a minute at about 6 p.m. When I woke up at 8:20 p.m., I noticed the electricity was out. Since it was too dark to do anything, we just went back to sleep. At 9 something the electricity came back on, but we barely noticed. I finally turned off the lights at 12:35 a.m. Adam, remarkable, slept through the entire night (I woke for a brief dive into Mrs. Dalloway, which I'm reading for book group--which I hear is an incredibly trendy thing to do, which makes me resist it even more--and somehow, I'm just not getting into it). We finally got up at just before 7 this morning, only I am once again confronted with the same lethargy, that cleaning the kitchen, reading the Sunday Times, and making berry waffles didn't fix. I'm going to try yoga and then hopefully I'll have the energy to begin all the organizing tasks I have for myself. That is, if I don't decide to take a nap first....


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