Wednesday, November 19

Newborn No More

The next time I update this blog, my little Doodlebug will have lost his "newborn" status and will simply be "infant." On Sunday, he is three months old. Three months. Unbelievable. We went to visit friends who had a baby on November 12. He was so incredibly tiny! And amazingly, he was bigger than the Doodlebug when the Doodlebug was born. But the Doodlebug looked like a giant next to Baby Dylan. When I held Dylan, he fit in a nice tight ball right on my chest. The Doodlebug hasn't been a nice tight anything since he learned if he head butts us at just the right angle, he can knock out a tooth while barely denting his own head (his own head, that I might add, is developing bald spots from lying down in the same position no matter how many times we turn him in other directions). But my Doodlebug is still (with all due respect to other parents out there) the Cutest Baby Ever and he's only getting more handsome by the day. But does he have to grow so fast?


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