Wednesday, December 17

You Think You Know Someone...

Adam and I have been together for about three and a half years now. And I thought I knew him pretty well. But apparently, there are still things to learn:
  • Adam can pee on demand. How did I not know this? We had a physical for our insurance (yes, we're old: we have life insurance now) and when I reminded him that he'd need to pee for the nurse, he said, "No problem, I can pee on demand." Is this something all boys can do? Or is my husband special?
  • He has no faith in my personal hygiene. After giving my sample (which, for the record, I cannot do on demand and needed to down copious amounts of water to produce), I came out of the bathroom to take the Doodlebug so Adam could be tested, and Adam asked me, "Did you wash your hands?" Thanks for your confidence. And, duh, yes.
  • He thinks he's hip. Stop, laughing, I'm serious! He was showing the Doodlebug pictures of the Tweedle Twirp and her boyfriend, the Tweedle Twin. He told the Doodlebug, "When you're older and we're no longer hip, the Tweedle Twins will be your link to hipness." Um, "no longer" said the man who sits home with me on Saturday nights watching The O.C. on Replay?


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