Wednesday, April 28

Blog Silences

The problem with posting just once a week on Wednesdays is that I know folks check up on me on Thursdays. I can imagine the panicked phone call from my father making sure everything is okay if he went to work on Thursday and there was no post. But a few times we've had Web problems and it's been questionable whether or not I'd be able to publish. My first thought is always, "Well, that's okay. I'll just publish that there are Web problems and I'll publish later." And then it always hits me, "Oh, wait, duh, if I could publish that, I could just publish my blog." I've thought of publishing more than once a week because I certainly write more than once a week. But then there are the weeks (like this one) where I'm struggling on Wednesday night, with The Bachelor playing in the background, to figure out what the heck of interest I have to say (and you may be saying, "Hey, you have nothing of interest to say." But it's my blog and if I want to say nothing of interest, I will! The benefits of blog ownership). If I didn't have the self-imposed Wednesday deadline, it would be too easy to let the blog slip away. So once a week shall continue. And if I ever miss a Wednesday, know that it's probably a Web site malfunction.

Speaking of Web sites that go away, every now and then a blog I follow stops. Abruptly. One day it's "blah blah blah," and the next day, it's silence. At first you figure they're taking a little break, but then the break drags on, and you start to wonder what's happened to them. It's odd, because you get to know people a bit through their blogs, but they're blog friends, they're not actually friends in the traditional sense. I mean, I correspond with a few other bloggers that I would consider myself friendly with, but let's face it, if we were standing next to each other in a bar (oh, okay, at a playgroup), I'd never recognize them enough to say, "Oh, it's you!"

But my point is, when the blogging stops, my mind goes wild. Should I e-mail them and find out what's up? But what if something bad has happened in their lives that makes them stop blogging? Do they really want a stranger e-mailing them and prying into things? Or is it rude to not inquire? I tend to take the easy way out and just let them go on their way in silence.

Don't worry. I'll never just go away. I've never done anything in silence in my life.


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