Thursday, November 22

The Posting in Which I'm Not Thankful

Today I finished a copyedit job, made two kinds of cranberry sauce, made two kinds of spiced nuts, a pumpkin layer cake (from scratch and no canned frosting, thank you very much), picked up my race number for tomorrow's turkey trot, kept my children alive, and watched two episodes of Project Runway. So I hope you people are at least a little thankful for this blog, because I'm taking precious Nanowrimo time to be coming to you this week.

All right so I'm not going to talk about what I'm thankful for (granted there's a lot of stuff I'm thankful for, but you know, it doesn't really make for very fun reading--it's Tolstoy's old "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way") although I do owe a bit o' gratitude to Jennifer, MTB, Zippy, Amia, Alisa, Chrissie, Daniella, Daphne, and Karin for the writing prompts. However, I'm certainly not thankful for the thousands (okay, hundreds. Okay, the other three of you) who are reading this who haven't helped me in my quest for 50,000 words. You have nine more days, people! Snap to it!

So no thanks from me here. Although I will say it was super cute when Doodles's teacher posted a list of what each kid said they were thankful for and Doodles said, "I'm thankful for trees. And Mom and Dad." He clarified to me later that he was thankful for trees that he could climb.

And what is Pie thankful for? Besides food and music? Um, hard to tell. Pie's in a Veruca Salt phases right now so I doubt she's thankful for much:

The kids had a good ice skating class this week. Doodles got some new skates and was falling on his butt the whole time. I felt badly for him but the teacher assured me it's normal when the kids go from the thick plastic skates to real skates. And Pie had a great time although the teacher said she wants to hide me, because Pie spends the whole class looking for me and, when spotting me, waving. I can pracitcally hear her from across the ice calling, "Watch me! Watch me, Mommy, watch me!"

After class, we had to go to the grocery store for some Thanksgiving shopping. Finishing up at the rink, I told Pie it was time to take off her helmet.

Pie: No, helmet on.
Me: You're not going to be comfortable in it. Sweetie, let's take your helmet off.
Pie: No, helmet on.
Me: You understand that we're about to get in the car and get on the highway. Once I plug in my seat belt, I won't be able to remove your helmet until we get to the grocery store, which will take about twenty or twenty-five minutes.
Pie: Pie wear helmt.
Me: Listen, why don't I take off your helmet now. Because we're going to be out about five minutes and you're going to demand your helmet come off, but I won't be able to do anything about it because I'll be driving on the highway.
Pie: NOOOO! Helmet ON!
Me: Okay, but do you understand that once this car is moving, the helmet is not coming off until we get to the grocery store. You have to keep the helmet on. I can't take it off.
Pie: Yes, helmet on.
Me: You understand.
Pie: Yes.
Me: The helmet will have to stay on.
Pie: Yes.

Anyone care to guess how many minutes we were on the highway before she started screaming, "Helmet off! Helmet off!" Luckily, after ten minutes of this she figured out how to get it off, but Pie was now officially in a bad mood. When I couldn't take the helmet from her hands, she threw it onto the floor and started making her next set of demands.

Pie: I want moon!
Me: Yes, it would be nice. But I don't see the moon tonight. It might be hidden by the clouds. Or it might not be out tonight.
Pie: I want to see moon.
Doodles: The moon is in outer space. It's still on the other side of the earth.
Me: Is it? I think it's just not out tonight because if it were, now would be a good time for it to be visible, considering how dark it is right now. It's night time!
Pie: Moon! Moon! Moon!
Me: Pie, do you understand? I don't see the moon. The moon is not out right now.
Pie: Get moon.
Me: Sweetie, it doesn't work like that. It's science. Earth's rotation. Position of the moon in relationto Earth and sun. Nothing to do with me.
Pie: I want moon, I want moon, I want moon NOW!
Doodles: Let's sing the moon song!
Me: Okay!
Doodles and Me: I see the moon and the moon sees me--
Pie: Nooooo! No moon song! I want moon! No sing moon song! Moon, moon, moon! I want the moon!
Me: Okay, listen. I can't control the moon. The moon does what it wants, when it wants. I have absolutely not an iota of say in what the moon does. The moon does exactly what it wants to do, much like you. I have as much control over the moon as I seem to have over you right now.

Pie has a complete and total meltdown and she doesn't let up until I threaten to go home instead of the grocery store. Yes, my children love going to the store. So many opportunities to make Mommy crazy.

Pie finally settles down. Takes some deep breaths. And then says... "I want star."

And on that note, I'm going to sign off. I should Nanowrimo, but I just don't have it in my right now. Gotta grab a little bit of sleep so I don't fall down midrace tomorrow or midturkey stuffing time. I hope you're all having a lovely thankful Thanksgiving. Stay away from the mall!


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