Wednesday, January 16

Greater Than. Lesser Than. Equal To.

Every other Wednesday, I go to a boot camp class at 5:30 a.m. I leave the house at about 5:15, so Adam's on his own with the munchkins. This conversation was reported to me this evening (note, Doodles makes his way into our bed in the middle of every night, so this conversation is taking place with a half asleep Adam in bed):

Doodles: Daddy, can we go downstairs?

Adam: What are the numbers on the clock?

Doodles: Um. Five. Four. Eight.

Adam: Okay, when the clock numbers are Five, five, five, let me know and we can go downstairs.

Adam dozes off again. He's woken up again.

Doodles: Daddy?

Adam: Mmm, hmm?

Doodles: Daddy, it's taking a very long time.

Adam: Well, what are the numbers on the clock now?

Doodles: Um. Six. Zero. Two.

My father thinks he's going to teach Doodles about Fibonacci series. I think he may want to start with a few more basics. Community college, here he comes!



Blogger Lioness said...

I was just so happy to know what the Fibunacci series is, I am hopeless at maths. All thighs numbery really. But the poor child...!

4:58 AM  

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