Wednesday, May 21

Speak and He'll Snore

Adam swears he listens to me. And yet he gives me ample proof that he's not. Then he demands, "You never told me that!" Uh, yes I did!

For instance, last night, I call Adam as I'm entering the store with the kids:
Me: Hi. I'm at Whole Foods. I'm not sure what we're having for dinner.
Adam: Did you want me to pick something up?
[Me, thinking, yeah, why don't you stop at Whole Foods and get something.]

And then, there's the infamous, "I'm not asleep!" I get from him pretty much every night when he, hey! falls asleep in his chair. We (and by "we" I mean "me" because clearly I was the only one awake) are watching BBC World News and it's talking about the U.S. presidential election. I'm trying to have a conversation with my husband about current events, but his eyes keep shutting ("I'm just resting them!")

Me: Do you still think John McCain is a little soft in the head?
Adam: Yeah. I heard him speak once in a small crowd and he really rambled a lot.
Me: Who was the wacky admiral who ran for vice president?
Adam: I have no idea who you're talking aobut.
Me: Did he run with Mondale?
Adam: I highly doubt Geraldine Ferraro was an admiral.
Me: Oh, yeah, right.

As I always do, I called my personal political pundit for clarification on this and a few other issues (in other words, Tweeds, professor extraordinaire in the political sciences). Tweeds gives me the answers I'm looking for ("He ran as Ross Perot's running mate; England still calls it Burma because they don't recognize the government that named it that. We don't either, but we still for some reason call it Myanmar; John McCain is soft in the head.") and I report back. Of course, by now those resting eyes are deep in REM, despite my husband's protests to the contrary.

Me: Did you know it was a Republican who named him Senator Hothead. Tweeds told me that one time, he was with his wife in front of reporters and she ran her fingers-- [I hear snoring coming from a certain direction]Are you listening to me?
Adam: Yes!
I look at him skeptically. Finally, I ask: What did I just say?
Adam finally opens his eyes. He responds: You said... Um... wait. I had it!

And he wonders why I always end up talking to strangers in the supermarket. It's because they LISTEN!

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