Monday, November 3

And a Word from Our Political Sponsors

I know this video pisses Adam off, but I don't care. I found it powerful. Remember to vote tomorrow, no matter who you're voting for.



Blogger Adam said...

It pisses me off because I think its patently absurd to equate the women's suffrage movement with issues like abortion rights and treatment of rape victims.

The opening line of the video does just that- it claims that Palin's ability to run as VP was a result of the fight of the mother's and grandmother's that came before them and then goes on to claim that those are the same people that fought for a variety of women's rights.

So what about the women who would like to keep their right to vote but would also like to see Roe v. Wade overturned.

Apparently their mothers and grandmothers are less valid that other people's mothers and grandmothers.

The whole thing is just video evidence of the dumbing down of the voting population.

12:04 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

They ARE the women who fought for a variety of women's rights.

Why do you say the "suffrage movement" as if that's the only thing our mothers and grandmothers fought for? Suffrage was about the right to vote. The women's movement is about the rights of women to live a life in which they have control over their own bodies and their own lives. Not once in this video do they refer to suffrage so WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING THAT FROM?? HOW OLD DO YOU THINK OUR MOTHERS AND GRANDMOTHERS ARE???

My mother and grandmother were both too young to fight for the vote, but, well my mother at least, fought for the right for a woman to choose what to do with her own body. In my lifetime, women fought for Title 9. They fought for ERA (I remember that one clearly). No one in the video claimed it was about the suffrage movement. They claimed it was for *everything* our mothers and grandmothers fought for.

And the opening line is absolutely valid. If the women before us hadn't worked to break glass ceilings, hadn't worked to prove that women could get out of the house, have careers, have lives outside of that of being simply a wife and mother, Palin would not be where she is today.

Where's my mother? Surely she has something to say here. Tweedle Twirp? You out there?

So much for me not writing about politics in my blog.

And it's "mothers and grandmothers [no apostrophes] WHO came before them." If you're going to bad mouth in my blog, at least get the grammar right!!!

12:21 PM  

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