Monday, August 10

The World Goes Round and Round

Growing up, my father played Quiz Questions at dinner with me and my sister, although the game quickly became known as "Quiz Questions Me First!" because that's what we'd shout out as soon as he sat down. The questions would be current events or history or science or whatever, such as "Who discovered the theory of relativity" or "Count to ten in binary numbers." One of my mother's great pet peeves in life is that my father loved to ask us geography questions, but he never used a map or globe to show where he was asking about. To this day, the only reason I remember that the capital of Ecuador is Quito is because of "Quiz Questions Me First."

This weekend my parents were in town, and my father started discussing geography with the kids. Only we don't own a globe. We tend to use maps on the computer, but it doesn't give the kids a real sense of perspective on where things are. Yesterday morning, we took a trip to the Museum of Science before we brought my parents to the train station so they could head home. Lo and behold, my mom spotted in the gift shop a globe, which my father then purchased for the kids.

This morning, the kids were playing their own version of geography. Doodles would ask Pie a question and she's randomly spin the globe as fast as she could and point.

Doodles: I got one for you, Pie! Where's Israel?
Me: Can you find Israel?
Doodles, with a sigh: Yes, Mom!
Pie spins the globe with a quick jerk and then just sticks her finger out.
Doodles: No, Pie. That's South America. Where's Israel?
Pie spins again and points.
Doodles: Nope. That's Hawaii.
I look over. Sure enough Pie has her finger planted in the Pacific Ocean in the general vicinity of Hawaii.
Me: How do you know that's Hawaii?
Doodles: I just know!
I can't figure out if he knows where things are or if his reading has improved that much, but either way, who am I to complain?

Doodles eventually gives up--Pie clearly has no interest in playing his way--and Pie just continues to spin this apparently amazing top.

Pie: Mommy?
Me: Yes?
Pie: Is it going to glow?
Me: Glow.
Pie: Yeah, glow.
Me: Um, no. It doesn't glow.
Pie: Then why is it called a glow-b?

She'll do okay, even if she doesn't know where Israel is.

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