Thursday, November 12

City Mice

My daughter is definitely a City Mouse. And I am not nearly as organized as I'd like to be. My plans to leave home for the Big City at 6 a.m. kinda petered out as we finally left at 7. And by 7, I mean 7:38. But we made great time right up to the point where we weren't making great time, and Pie only asked seven times in the first hour, "When are we going to be in New York?"

The drive was painless right up to Westchester, when the powers that be decided to make the three-lane highway and one-lane highway, extending out trip by a full hour. But we made it to my parents' apartment just in time for lunch and then we headed out for our adventures.

Our first stop was my old office. Well, not really my old office, but yes really my old office. Once upon a time, in a decade far far away, I worked for the book publishing company Putnam Berkley, which has since become Penguin Putnam. Our offices were in the Murray Hill area. The offices have since moved to a swank building in SoHo. So I never worked there. Except that I have because my very first short-lived job out of college was working in advertising. In the very same swank building.

Visiting the office really made me miss those days of having a place to go and work to do. The woman I visited is now the head of the whole department, and she was the also the woman who replaced me when I left the job in 1994. A lifetime ago. It's hard not to think what ifs. What if I had stayed in New York. What if I had stayed in publishing. What if, what if, what if. But really, I remember finding my job rather dull, and I was near the end when I applied for grad school. New York was grating on my nerves--I spent way too much time working (I had to do freelance after work to make enough money to pay my rent) and not enough time doing the things that one moves to New York to do. So I left.

But it's still fun visiting them, hearing what everyone is up to. But after I got my grown-up time in, it was on to kid stuff. We hooked up with the Nana and headed to Milk and Cookies for, surprise! Milk and cookies. Yummy, decadent cookies. And then off to Porto Rico for superdark coffee. (Note to anyone else whose husband says, "Buy me superdark coffee." That's not actually a coffee name. Just a description. And you'll look like an idiot if you just walk up and say, "A pound of the Superdark, please." Just sayin'.) And finally to that shopping mecca, the destination that one litle girl has been pining for lo these years: LittleMissMatched. That girl of mine is obsessed with socks and MissMatched socks at that. I think we pretty much bought the store out. We walked a bit. Pie is a great people watcher and she sat happily for a bit at the ice rink at Rockefeller Center. She wanted to go see if Eloise was home, but she started to fade so we headed back to my parents apartment ("Yea!! Subway, subway, subway!" [sung to the tune of "The Bundle Dance").

Next few days are full. I've already called my boy twice--I miss him like crazy, but know he's going to have a good guys weekend, which apparently includes eating copious amounts of steak. And we're going to have a great girls weekend, which includes... Well, I can't tell you. Because when I told Pie on Wednesday, "I made some fabulous plans for us," she squealed, clapped, and said, "Don't tell me! I want to be surprised!"

So we'll have surprises all around!

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