Sunday, March 21

Furniture Shopping

I always walk into the Container Store thinking, "This is going to change my life!" and then I walk out the same old me but with one under-the-bed container for wrapping paper, and it's just so sad.

I hate shopping. Have I mentioned that before? I just hate shopping.

We've been in the "new" house for just over a year now. The front room needs a chair and a reading lamp. Right now it has a computer and some Flor tiles. I even hired a decorator last year. She told me I needed a chair and a reading lamp. So we're all in agreement.

Last March, Adam and I spent a day going to Crate and Barrel and Arhaus looking for a chair and a reading lamp. We didn't find what we wanted. We said we'd look again. We didn't.

Now it's March again. Adam got his yearly bonus last week. So we decided it was time to buy that chair and lamp. Adam's parents came over and Adam and I headed for our yearly date to the store. We went to Jordan's. We went back to Crate and Barrel. We did not buy a chair. Adam was game to try more stores, but those two had already tested my shopping limits. I get in the stores. The chairs all look basically the same. I don't like the way they look. Or I do like the way they look but they're uncomfortable. The music is thumping. People have glazed eyes. Kids (and the worst kind of kids--other people's kids!) are screaming. I. Must. Get. Out.

Shopping sucks. Which means the front room is going to stay empty. At least until next March. Next March? I'm sure we'll actually get something then. Yeah. Definitely.



Blogger nInA said...

I am with you! But the problem is not you, it's the stores, their stuff is boring.

3:03 PM  

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