Thursday, February 21

I'm Back
So, the Web log postings have fallen to the wayside. Sometimes life takes over, and I can't find the time to squeeze in a few entries. Although I have found the time to surf other Web logs. The 2002 Anti-Bloggies make amusing reading and reinforce why I do not make my Web log searchable to the world at large. Also, my computer is somewhat hosed--the fan is broken and I keep running out of memory and having to delete applications. I was going to just put more memory in this thing, but realized this computer is over four years old. Time for a new one. Adam ordered one for me yesterday. Should be in around March 7. I'll be going from 3 GB of memory to 40 GB, and a Pentium 2 to 4. Anyway, right now I have time to update the Web log, because I'm supposed to working on my homework for my writing class. Guess that's not going to get done today.

Wedded Bliss to Be
Well, we finally have our honeymoon tickets. We don't have a place to stay yet, but that's the easier part. The tickets were a pain. We're flying Seattle-Dallas-London-Florence. It was either that or fly to London and change airports, which given the heightened security measures and the long waits, seemed to be asking for trouble. We couldn't get our first-class upgrades on the way out--Adam needs to keep calling them to see if there's an opening--but we did get them for the way home. Which is good, because on the way out we'll be excited and won't care as much, but on the way home will need to be comforted by the luxury. And hey, booze is free on international flights, no matter where you're sitting! Peter and I did a few Web searches on hotels, and a whole bunch of them said "proof of marriage required." Good thing we'll be married by then.

Other than that, things are going fine. We had our last meeting with the rabbi. The international invites were mailed. The other invites will be mailed either tomorrow or Saturday. We met with the photographer to nail things down. My grandparents were moved from the Beatles suite to the 4th Floor Suite, so we'll be doing the ketubah signing in there. They'll be renovating the Beatles suite. I figured it would be fine. It's not like my grandparents will care one bit about whether or not the Beatles stayed in their room. We're good.

Work, work, work
My hours are creeping up again. It's strange in my new world--everyone is happy and peppy. Odd being in a department where there's general optimism. But given the way things are, I can't blame the old team for worrying. It can only get worse.

We had planned an awesome party for my old manager who was leaving the company. A movie studio had rented out a theater for us, was going to pay for everyone's popcorn, soda, and candy, and have a screening of Zoolander, which is one of his favorite movies. They made posters that had his face where Ben Stiller's was for the movie theater signage. It looked incredible! The evite said everyone had to dress "Hollywood" and it was going to be this huge surprise. Only the surprise was on us. Two days before the party, he decided not to leave work after all. Couldn't tear himself away after all. Since the studio was footing the bill for the party, we had to call it off. While everyone was glad he decided to stay, everyone was slightly more upset that the party was called off. As I said to him, "Glad to hear your staying. Also glad that you had decided to leave, because if you hadn't, I never would have gotten that dinner invite." Upside of the deal is he's agreed to run the New York Marathon with me (I say with me--I mean he'll be running it at the same time I run it. He can do it in under four hours, and I'm aiming to do it in under seven).

I have some really mixed feelings about leaving before my five-year mark. It's not the options--the amount is negligible at this point. It's more the wanting to have made it through the entire battle without surrendering. And, yes, at many times it does feel like a battle. This job is unlike any other. It's so much more than just work. I know there are other jobs that can take over your life, but it's different than that. It takes over the way you think. This was an experience like no other out there and no other job--for better or worse--will ever compare. I got to be a part of something that was huge, and it's an opportunity that doesn't come around twice. I have a friend who went to work somewhere else and she told me, "You know, you don't realize just how smart everyone there is until you go to work somewhere else, and realize they really do hire the best and the brightest." Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'll find a place in Boston that's just as exciting and vibrant and revolutionary, but I have to say, the odds are against it. I have no idea what I'll do next.

Everything Else
My final piece for my writing class ("Everday Pilgramages and the Art of Travel Writing") is coming along slowly, most likely because I'm updating this instead of working on it. I've been running a lot more to get my weekly base mileage up before I start the marathon training for real. I'm about to about 18 to 20 miles a week. I figure I'll start the actual marathon training in July, but I need to have a solid 25-30 miles a week base mileage at that point, which shouldn't be a biggie. I've been doing more hills, which slows me down, but is good in the long run. With four days of running a week, and boxing on Saturdays, I'm having a hard time keeping up with my strength training, but that may just have to slide for a bit. Vegas is in a week, and I am so ready for that! We'll be staying at the Luxor. Should be a blast.

All right, I need to at least pretend to work on my essay before heading to work. Who knows what I'll end up with.


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