Running Out of Material
Sigh. So the worst has happened. I went to a Partner's function and actually met a woman or two who I may grow to become friends with. This, of course, is disastrous for the weblog, as my best material may be taken away from me. An ice cream social tonight introduced us to the various committees available (laugh all you want at the ice cream social, but they served Brigham's and they had fudge and jimmies and whipped cream and cherries, so there!). None I'd really be interested in (scrapbooking? No thanks. Philanthropy? Um, I'm tapped. Children's? Not there yet). But I met a nice woman who's interested in starting a writing group (who has an actual real-life job as a COO for a small non-profit) and another who's a reporter. No need to completely panic--there were some CWIT moments. Like the advice to make sure our partners come with us for as many of the activities as possible as that may be the only time we get to see him. Although, starting next week, we'll be completely busy in our partner's section activities. And the sign-up sheets were riddled with typos.
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