Tuesday, November 5

Word Count

Up to 8,551, which has me pretty much right on track (and how did I get so much done, you might ask? Easy! Adam's off at a section event tonight). This is a lot easier to do this year than last. I don't know if it's because it seems like I have more time to write, or just if it's because I know that it can be done. I find I'm able to write without too much of a problem... but what I'm writing has got to be some of the driest stuff ever written. It's as if I've completely forgotten how a novel is supposed to read, as if I've never read a fictional book in my life. I have a plot, but really no idea of how to get from point A to point B and my character is terribly boring (which is especially devastating, since she is supposed to be based on me), and I probably should work out some sort of outline on where the hell this is actually going. Work is a little slow right now as I wait for my newsletter to get back from design, so maybe I can think about the outline there. By the way, my novel is temporarily titled Learnings. I'm open to suggestions for better titles (and more plot ideas).

Speaking of work, I spent half of today obsessing because I forgot to spellcheck an e-mail before it went out, and it went out with a truly horrible typo (and no, I won't tell you what it is). It was horrible enough that I turned on automatic spellcheck, if though it's incredibly annoying since 95% of my e-mails are going to friends, and I don't cap or punctuate or really even care so it just slows me down. I can't help it. I obsess about these things. (And how is it that spellcheck doesn't recognize the word "spellcheck," and it surely must be one word although Microsoft Word has the following forms listed: spell check, spell-check, spellchecker, spellchecked. That's wrong. I hereby declare "spellcheck" to be one word. And in future dictionaries, when the etymology is described, I'd like credit for it, please.)


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