Thursday, February 27

Go...(What was the name of the team again?)!

Went to my first basketball game last night.After establishing that 1) Shaquille O'Neal, Charles Barkley, and Magic Johnson do not play for the Celtics and that 2) two of them are not even playing basketball any more, I realized that my knowledge of the sport is pretty limited. It was a Partner's event, yet everyone was scattered about the nosebleed section, so there are no good stories to relate except my absolute annoyance that when they welcomed the groups on the screen, we were listed as Harvard Business School. Um, excuse me? It was a Partner's club event, and as much as the group may tick me off, we should take our own credit. The students were only there as guests of us, the nonstudents. We didn't stay for the whole game, as I had to get home and pack (yeah, right. I woke up early and did it this morning), so we missed the end, and yet, I felt like I had seen it all. The flashing boards, the rotating ads, the screaming fans. Someone even told me there was a game being played somewhere down there, too! All the flashing and weird ads running all around the TV screen that circled the floor reminded me of those Japanese programs that was causing seizures in kids. I kept waiting for someone to go down.

As I alluded to, I'm off on another long weekend, this time back to Seattle. If you're in the area (and you know me), come by FX McRory's on Friday night at 5 to say hey. The rest of you will just have to wait until next week to hear from me again.


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