Tuesday, March 11

A CWIT with Good Musical Taste, Thank You

So Amazon has this feature, Share the Love, whereby it will send a list of the books/music/videos you've bought to your friends and offer them a 10 percent discount on those items. Which is cool. I've bought things off of other people's Share the Love. However, it only displays the top three items apparently in your order so all of my friends now think I'm a flaming CWIT, because they got a mail from me saying I had bought Baby Bargains, Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year (and no I don't know if it's a boy--this was recommended by a friend), and Home Landscaping: Northeast Region, so everyone assumed that the hormones are turning me into a Stepford suburban housewife, who cares desperately whether or not the squirrels are going to get at her tulip bulbs. Well, actually, I do care about tulip bulbs, so maybe that was a bad example. But I'm a very cool Stepford suburban housewife-potentially-to-be and folks would know that if they saw the rest of my order and noticed I also purchased The Eminem Show (with the explicit lyrics, thank you very much) and Paris Combo's Living Room. Does that sound CWIT to you? I think not. Your apology has been accepted.


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