Wednesday, November 26

Is It Wednesday?

I was just getting into bed when I remembered with a startle, "It's Wednesday!" I completely spaced that it was blogging night. My parents came in Tuesday night and my sister this afternoon and with all the activity, I forgot it wasn't a weekend. The Tweedle Twirp and I have already been busy with our baking as my mother watched over the Doodlebug. The stuffing, the apple pie, the pecan pumpkin pie, the glazed pecans (for the salad), and two kinds of cranberry sauces are already made. Tomorrow, Adam's clan comes over and the feasting begins. We're sticking with last year's turkey recipe, because it was such a success. Say what you like about Martha but the fact is she can cook. Of course, I invited everyone over for four, not realizing that's when the Dolphins game is on.

My family is always a hoot. My mother was upset last year because my father came up for a visit and came home addicted to The Bachelor (but only the one season). Tonight, in my quest for ever more reality TV, I had my family watching Trista and Ryan's wedding planning. Now my father says he'll watch the rest of it over the next two weeks. If my mom is unhappy about this, wait until after tomorrow night, when I introduce my father to The Newlyweds, which is playing back to back on MTV. Isn't that what family is for? Helping each other sink to ever lower levels?


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