Wednesday, December 17

Fave Movies

Judith is collecting everyone's favorite book of 2003, which seems like a swell idea. If you've got a favorite book, go tell her.

I, however, am not that literary minded (I wish I were, but there's so little time to read these days). However, many of my evenings are now spent watching movies. Before the Doodlebug came and I was actually able to move around in the evenings, Adam and I rented maybe two movies a month. Now that evenings mean a sleeping Doodlebug on my lap, we're up to about three rentals a week. So, it finally made sense to join Netflix. Of course, that means I now have to have a whole list of movies I need to keep updated so I can make sure movies are always flowing in. To that end, I'd like to ask all of you what the best movie you saw in 2003 was (not necessarily a movie that was released in 2003--just the movie [rental or theatrical] that you liked best). If you have a favorite, stick in the comments, and I'll add it to my Netflix queue.


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