Wednesday, February 25

The Trouble with Marriage

Adam and I have a solid relationship, but there are times when it's obvious he just doesn't understand me. He says things like, "You know, that seventh peep is going to make you feel nauseous," and he doesn't get that, yes, the fact that jelly beans are a fat-free food does mean that you can eat an entire bag in one sitting. Other things trouble me as well. It's like how he doesn't understand why the Sons of Sam Horn is silly, but the Baby Center boards are critical to our family's well being. He doesn't see that black-and-white films are not only wonderful, but that the worst of them is still superior to the best of Kevin Smith. Luckily he always remembers that I take my lattes nonfat, decaf with one teaspoon of sugar and that I don't like my beans touching my rice, so I guess I'll keep him anyway.


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