Wednesday, June 29

Sugar Sugar

Let's talk about Sugar Face for a few minutes, shall we? In the presence of her big brother, Doodles, she seems to get lost in the blog. I said to Adam last night, sometimes I think she pokes me just to say, "Hey! Remember me in here?"

According to Pregnancy Weekly, I have 66 days to go, and that's if she's on time (remember, Doodles came almost three weeks early, but there I go again, bringing up Doodles in Sugar Face's post). My hunch is she's going to be late, but I know that will only be the case if I plan on her being late, in which case she'll arrive early. So I'll prepare for early but expect her to be late. I'm not sure how suddenly I only have 66 days until my due date; it seems unreasonably soon. I'm completely stocked up on little pink outfits--between the shower my neighbors threw me and the hand-me-downs I've received, this child will be very well dressed. Definitely more clothes than her big brother had.

I went through Doodles's old clothing (can't help it; he's relevant here!) to see what I would save for Sugar Face and what was ready to be passed along (but not until Sugar Face is born, just in case the ultrasound was wrong, although they seemed quite confident that they actually saw girl parts). It doesn't seem that long ago that he was wearing his little "I'm a Scary Monster" t-shirt and the little solar system outfit that I made Tweeds run out and get when I realized that we actually had to clothe our small naked child. Of course, going through his stuff took forever, as I had to hold up each piece and ooh and ahh and ask Adam if he remembered our little munchkin wearing each thing. And of course, Adam was falling asleep on the couch and not much for humoring me, which irritated both of us, I think, but probably me more because that's just the kind of person I am. What kind of father doesn't get teary eyed looking at his monkey's teeny tiny baby outfits?

Anyway, thinking about it, my to-do list is quite a bit longer than I had thought. Originally I was thinking, wash clothes and buy diapers. Done! But it occurred to me I've got to (okay, Adam has to) set up the co-sleeper, put the Pack N Play downstairs, borrow a swing and bouncy chair from friends, figure out where all those really cute little outfits are going to go (not even born yet and she already has issues over closet space), boil the pacifiers, buy a breast pump (I am not going to torture myself as I did last time with a hand pump), find/clean the old bottles... The list gets longer every time I think about it.

So it's becoming real. Yes, I'm still surprised when others ask when I'm due, even though my belly is a big honking thing that I constantly hit when I get to close to the kitchen counter. But it's starting to sink in. When we make plans for end of September/October (which, yes, we're doing), Sugar Face will be here to join us.

With Doodles it couldn't come fast enough. This time around, I know what to expect, and I keep thinking, "Just a little more time! Please!!!"


Blogger RUbirdie said...

Yes, we bought the super duper pump-n-style off of ebay as well. I rented one the first time and afterwards thought?? Why in the heck did I do that when I could've just bought one and then sold it on ebay. So then the second time I bought it on e-bay and sold it right back.
Worked just fine and it was amazingly clean when we got it. Although I think I boiled the stuff and ran them through the dishwasher 10-15 times before #2 was born.
Got our money back plus $20 too!

5:05 PM  

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