Wednesday, May 31

The Poopy Chronicles

Doodles is now alternately fascinated by and willing to ignore, um, bodily waste. It's a charming phase he's going through. I'm trying to parlay it into some potty training, but to no avail.

Me: Doodles, you pooped. Time to change your diaper.
Doodles: I don't want my diaper changed.
Me: Too bad. You stink.
Doodles: No, no, no! I don't want my diaper changed! [runs screaming from the room]
Me: [yelling after him and chasing] If you don't like your diaper changed, all you need to do is use the potty! [catching him, wrestling him down, yanking his disgusting diaper off] Ewww! Big poop!
Doodles: I want to see! I want to see the poop! Can I see the poop?
Me: If you want to see the poop, you have to poop in the potty. The diaper poop gets tossed right out.
Doodles: I want to seeeeeeeee it! I want to seeeeeeee my pooooooooop!

Or even better:

Visiting Tweedle Twirp: Doodles, what are you doing?
Doodles hands are behind his back.
Tweeds: Doodles, are you hands in your diaper? Oh, Doodles! You have poop on your hands!
Doodles: I have poop on my hands?
Tweeds: You have poop on your hands! Straight to the bathroom! We need to wash those hands!
Doodles: I have poop on my hands! I need to wash my hands.
Tweeds: Ugh, let's get those clean.
Me: Doodles, remember, we never put our hands into our diapers.
Doodles: Mommy, I have poop on my hands!
Me: Yes, I see that. Tweeds, wash them again, please.
Doodles: All done!
Me: Okay, Doodles, time to change that poopy diaper.
Doodles: No. I don't need a new diaper.
Me: Uh, yeah you do. You have a big poop that just got all over your hands. You need a new diaper.
Doodles: No, no new diaper. No poop! I have no poop in diaper!

And then there's always:

Me: Oh, my little Sweetie Pie! What a stinky tushie you have!
Pie: gurgle gurgle. Ba ba ba ba ba.
Me: Yes, Sweetie, let's change that diaper of yours.
[Doodles elbows his way in]

I know this is normal, but I'm still not loving this. Call me old school, but I think that poop should just be a private affair. Of course, not so private that I won't blog about it to all of you!


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