
Not so for Pie. What Pie likes to do is climb upon the table. Which is risky, yes, but something I allow because, really, it's not so far to fall. Except that now she has a new trick, which is to remove the top part and then climb on top. Which means that no matter where in the house I am, I know exactly what she's up to by the high-pitched wails of "Stuck!! Stuck!! Stuuuuuuuuuuuck!! Mommmy! Stuck!"
Ah, my children. Adam and I have been dutifully putting money away for the college educations and arguing about where they should go (he wants his alma mater, Dartmouth; I want, oh, anywhere else). Looks like we might be able to use the money on a vacation home, as so far, doesn't appear that either child will make it to college.
If Carrie and Sweetie ever meet, they will have a LOT in common. Enough said?
There's always that retirement fund to save for...
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