Wednesday, August 1

Random Litany of Mom Complaints

And now to return to my regularly scheduled mom gripes: The Pie is a force to be reckoned with. At this age, Doodles was a sound sleeper. Pie is too... once she gets to sleep. We've returned to the crying for about a half hour or so every night. We've given up on the sock routine ("Sock! Sock! Dinosaur sock! No, no, no, bear socks! No, no, no, butterfly socks!") and just let her alternate her complains. "Socks! Blanket! Kitty! Blanket! Socks!" At this point Doodles was already in a bed (sorry, Pie, you're stuck in that crib till you're 12!), and we'd set him down and he'd drift right off. But that Pie. It kills me to listen to her every night but there's not a dang thing that can be done to appease her.

I'm making Doodles's birthday invitations and it's killing me that you can't see it. It's too funny! Definite blackmail material for when he's a teenager. Oh, this will so humiliate him some day.

I'm a bad mom for not encouraging my daughter to potty train. She's interested. She's pooped on the potty. She loves sitting there. But I so don't have the energy to go through potty training right now. Diapers are just way too easy.

Pie has a definite S/M thing going. She's absolutely infatuated with this younger boy (just turned one) who does nothing but pull her hair. Yesterday, this boy (who is Grape's little brother) was at the ice skating rink, as Doodles brought Grape to skate with him on "bring a friend to skate" day. Pie ran up to this boy (shall we call him Raisin?) and gave him a big smooch. He responded by pulling her hair... hard. Yet the minute she got on the ice, she was looking for him, waving at him, yelling, "Hi, Raisin! Hi!" Dear God, I hope she doesn't grow up to be one of those women who only like men who are mean to them.

Pie loves her new book Teeth Are Not for Biting. However, whenever we get to the line, "Ouch! Biting hurts!" Pie lets out this maniacal laugh. It's rather disturbing.

Pie's favorite things to say: "I don't like." "Want squeeze yogurt NOW!" "Where's Daddy? Where's Brother?" "Want apple NOW! No, pear! No, orange!" "Marker? Marker? Draw! Draw! No, other marker!"

I feel like my children had more to say/do this week, but for the life of me, I can't think what. So this is all for now. Maybe they'll be more interesting in the coming week.


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