Wednesday, January 23

What Goes Down, Must Come Up

Hey, it's me! I know, it's the middle of the morning, my working time. And God knows I need the working time given that I get a whopping 2 1/2 hours a day three days a week and last week we had one snow day and this week had MLK day, leaving me with just 2 1/2 hours twice during the week. Not like I have assignments due. No, not at all! But here it is, 11 a.m. and I'm just lounging away, blogging, TV on, bonbons by my side.

Oh, wait, those aren't bonbons! That's just an empty pot waiting for my son to throw up into. And Ernie and Bert are getting a little grating on that TV. Sigh...

The thing is, Doodles is actually bona fide sick. I always have my doubts, given that he's been having a tough time separating from me at school. Every morning it's "My bones hurt. My head hurts. My chin hurts." I just "yea, yea" him and pack him off to school. But last night at about 4:30, he told me his throat hurt. Hmmm. Then at 5 p.m., he had a massive emptying of his belly onto the kitchen floor. Okay, now I'm starting to believe him. I quickly try to mop up the mess, get him out of his clothes, keep Pie out of the throw up, IM Adam to get his butt home, and start to run a bath. At 5:14, the house reeking of vomit, I get him into the tub. At 5:16 the power went out. For over an hour and a half. Shortest bath on record as I hurry him out, hunt for flashlights and candles, and settle everyone in the living room to wait for Adam. The house still smells because there's a pile of disgusting clothes and cloths in the kitchen that need to go downstairs, but no way am I attempting the basement in the dark. I can see the neighbors fleeing their houses for evenings out, but because of little throw-up boy, we're stuck in the house. Adam finally gets home, I send him right back out to Panera for plain bread and yogurt for the big little one and a sandwich for the little little one. Panera, though, is mobbed because it turns out a huge portion of town is without electricity.

Kids get fed. Electricity goes back on. And an e-mail appears in my in-box that strep is going around the preschool.

So here we are. One prescription for Amoxicilian. One morning of PBS Sprout. And one morning (more) of no work getting done. The joys of motherhood. Adam seriously better be bringing me home bonbons tonight. Oops. What's that coming up on the other side of the room? Gotta go...



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