End of School Blues
End of school year time. I'm up to my ears in projects for the preschool. I should be sleeping--I miss my sleep--but I'm too anal not to do these projects right. I'm also about to have my hands full of children. However, the prospect isn't as daunting as it seemed even a few weeks ago. Pie and I have come to some sort of unspoken agreement, and it seems to be working. (Does blogging count as speaking? If so, then it shall no longer be unspoken.) Basically, I let Pie get away with whatever she wants, and she no longer makes my life a living hell. For instance, we're skipping the "sleep in your own bed" charade. Pie goes directly to our bed, do not pass go, do not collect $200. In order to avoid jealousy, Doodles beds down in a sleeping bag on the floor of our room.
In return, I've had three--yes, three!--days of no diapers. That's right. Pie declared on Monday, "No more diapers for me, Mommy." And she's been an underwear girl since. Few accidents along the way, but nothing too serious. She's also getting much better about actually speaking to me (as opposed to grunting and temper tantruming) so we have conversations in which I can understand what she wants. She's gotten uber-polite about all sorts of things ("Mommy, thank you for getting me dressed." "Mommy, thank you for putting a towel down for me to sit on" [that last one when I didn't want to risk my chair for the sake of her underwear]).
And she and Doodles are getting along as well as ever. He's erupting into kid, and as such is giving me more grief as Pie gives me less, but overall, he's workable. There are certain things he wants that I control (TV, computer time, bike riding time, playdates), so he's willing to work the system. He's taking lots of "big kid" leaps--besides losing the training wheels, he can now tie his own shoes, read a simple book, jump into the pool without freaking, and he's attempting more foods on his own.
I've been so focused on the progress of Doodles--end of preschool, getting ready for kindergarten--that it slipped my mind until this morning that Pie is about to leave toddlerhood. She'll be an honest to goodness preschooler in a few months. Which is great. Because it means that I'll have a preschooler and a kid sleeping in my room. That's progress. Right?
In return, I've had three--yes, three!--days of no diapers. That's right. Pie declared on Monday, "No more diapers for me, Mommy." And she's been an underwear girl since. Few accidents along the way, but nothing too serious. She's also getting much better about actually speaking to me (as opposed to grunting and temper tantruming) so we have conversations in which I can understand what she wants. She's gotten uber-polite about all sorts of things ("Mommy, thank you for getting me dressed." "Mommy, thank you for putting a towel down for me to sit on" [that last one when I didn't want to risk my chair for the sake of her underwear]).
And she and Doodles are getting along as well as ever. He's erupting into kid, and as such is giving me more grief as Pie gives me less, but overall, he's workable. There are certain things he wants that I control (TV, computer time, bike riding time, playdates), so he's willing to work the system. He's taking lots of "big kid" leaps--besides losing the training wheels, he can now tie his own shoes, read a simple book, jump into the pool without freaking, and he's attempting more foods on his own.
I've been so focused on the progress of Doodles--end of preschool, getting ready for kindergarten--that it slipped my mind until this morning that Pie is about to leave toddlerhood. She'll be an honest to goodness preschooler in a few months. Which is great. Because it means that I'll have a preschooler and a kid sleeping in my room. That's progress. Right?
Oh, I cannot believe they are both getting so OLD. Sheesh, when I discovered you online, Doodles was ... I think he was a newborn. Crazy.
Also, I envy you the potty-trainedness most mightily.
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