Wednesday, June 4

Onward Ho!

I find it hard to post when Adam's out of town--as he is again. Normally, throughout the day, when I'm supposed to post, I think, "I can blog about X. Maybe I'll blog about Y." But when Adam's gone, only one thought runs in my head, all day, the constant refrain, starting at 7 a.m.: "Only twelve hours till they go to bed. Only eleven hours and forty-three minutes till they go to bed. Only..." And then when it's finally the magic hour, we are inevitably running behind because it always takes 27 minutes longer to get anything done than I think. And then, once they're finally in bed, I have to convince them to sleep. When that's finally done, I think, "Hmm, blog? Or that case of wine Adam bought last weekend?" I'll sit here and blog till the wine kicks in.

Today was Pie's last day of preschool for the year, and tomorrow is Doodles's last day of preschool... forever. We had his "kindergarten chat" yesterday and the chat itself--with one of the teachers--went just fine, but when he saw all the "big kids," he totally froze up. I felt so bad for the little guy. Adam and I talked about holding Doodles back from kindergarten, but he's clearly ready to go. And even if we held Doodles back three years, well, he'd still be the shortest kid in the class. That's just the way genetics work, kid.

I had this angsty moment, as I got all worked up about the last day of preschool, the end of toddlerhood, the beginning of kindergarten, and then it hit me... I'm going to be having these angsty moments now for the rest of my life. There's always going to be that next big thing they grow out of/into. First day of kindergarten. First time they have a sleep over. First time they have a crush. The last day of elementary school, middle school, high school.... Getting ready for camp, college, first day of work. The first time they travel without me and Adam. Some of the milestones, I won't even be aware that it's the last time, until the pangs hit me in retrospect. The last time they're small enough for me to carry. The last time they crawl into our bed at night. The last time they cuddle down and beg me to read them a story.

So, I'll just do what moms have been doing for generations. I'm going to pour myself another glass of wine.

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