Wednesday, August 13

Here We Go 'Round the Mulsweetie Bush

Today was Doodles's last day at food group. He graduates! While his eating isn't completely where I'd like it, the fact is he eats as well as if not better than probably 75 percent of the other five-year-olds out there. He eats: eggs (fried and hardboiled), grilled cheese, pasta with sauce, mac & cheese, red peppers, apples (with skin!), guacamole, hummus, falafel, homemade smoothies, hamburgers, Campbell's chicken soup...

So, for his last day and in honor of his upcoming birthday, I brought cupcakes to food group. Normally Pie goes to Jasmine's house for a drop-off playdate while Doodles is at food group. But today, she was torn:

Me: Pie, do you want to go to Jasmine's house for a drop-off playdate or do you want to come to Doodles's feeding group for cupcakes?
Pie: Um...
Me: Whatever you want! Jasmine's house for a drop-off playdate or do you want to come to Doodles's feeding group for cupcakes?
Pie: Um, I'll have a drop-off playdate after the wedding
Me: The wedding?
Pie: Yeah. Drop-off playdate after the wedding.
Me: When is the wedding?
Pie: After my birthday.
Me: And who are you marrying?
Pie: Jasmine.
Me: And who is your playdate with?
Pie: Jasmine.
Me: Well, that will be convenient. But what do you want to do today? Playdate or cupcakes?
Pie: Playdate after wedding!
Me: But what about today?!?!?
Pie: Um. I want to have a playdate after the wedding.

Finally, I have a brainstorm.
Me: Pie, would you like me to send cupcakes over to Jasmine's house? That way you can have a drop-off playdate and cupcakes.
Pie, visibly relieved: Yes!

Problem solved. And the wedding? Look for invitations sometime after her birthday.



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