I need a color for my office that will meld nicely with another color for the bedroom, because the spaces really lead into one another. My architect doesn't like Bryant Gold. My husband doesn't like Bryant Gold. My mother doesn't like Bryant Gold. Adam likes kind of a dark gray-blue. My mom is a fan of greens. The architect suggested some yellows. Bryant Gold doesn't go much with any other colors we like. So, of course, I'm using Bryant Gold. Because I like Bryant Gold. I'm a rebel that way.

There's also a lighting fixture I love. Nice. Old-fashioned. Very classic. Can't you see it hanging over Robert Benchley's desk? I've been told it's too big for the space I have. Guess who's going to have a too-big lighting fixture in her office?

I have this vision in my head--I want my office to be Dorothy Parker (without the suicidal tendencies floating around). My first thought to achieve that was more of a russet color, but it was simply too much for the space. To me, Bryant Gold evoked much of the same feeling. So Bryant Gold it shall be! Of course, we're blowing our whole budget on the renovation, so I don't have a desk for my Dorothy Parker office, but we'll find something soon. Adam really wants to get rid of a lot of our current furniture--and I admit, much of it has seen better days--but we've agreed to hold onto everything for the time being. As we can afford nice pieces, we'll replace what we have, but in the meantime, I'm reading books like
Use What You Have Decorating and
750 Great Ideas for Decorating on a Budget: Transform Your Home Inside & Out. And my computer will sit on the floor or a card table for a bit. It's what you do for Bryant Gold.
I like to have a martini,
Two at the very most.
After three I'm under the table,
after four I'm under my host.
--Dorothy ParkerLabels: house
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