Sunday, January 20

Who knew registering would be such hard work? And who would've thought that Adam had a higher tolerance for it than I did? Both times we went I had to call it quits way before he did--I just maxed out on the whole shopping thing. Too overwhelming. I keep going back and forth on the every day plates--they're a little too nice for every day, but they're the ones we liked best. But will we like them ten years from now? Also, it's hard to envision where we'll be living next, so it's hard to pick out. Granted, a lot of the furniture we have will stay, but what a bummer we don't know where we'll end up, because there was a lot of furniture we both found really appealing. Oh well. We've made the decision not to post our registeries on the wedding Web site (feels too tacky--no one should feel obligated to buy us a gift), but I can say here that we've registered at Crate and Barrel and at the Bon. The whole shebang (should anyone ask) can be found at, although it's pretty lame and the direct sites are much better. My advice is to search under Adam's name, as there are 150 other brides out there with my name.


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