Tuesday, February 26

Juliewa had her baby on Friday night! Eva Rose. I can't wait to play with the baby. Finally someone who will let me poke her with minimal complaint.

We got our first wedding present! Yeah! Very exciting for us. Wrote our first thank you letter tonight, too. I hope I get better at it--I stressed over what to say and had to consult Peggy Post. I wanted to be funny, but Adam opted for serious. I snuck a little something in there. But I wanted to say, "We hope you'll be joining us at the wedding. It's been a long, long time since we've seen each other. In case you don't recognize me, I'll be the one in the veil." But that got nixed, rightly so, I suppose. What I really wanted to say is, "Damn, our first gift! Now we have to get married." No, no. It's all good.

The Realtor came yesterday to look over the house. We need to do a few things to it, but nothing too major. She didn't think we'd have any problems selling it. We need to clean out the clutter in the basement, so we're actually going to start packing. I packed two boxes of videos. Feels weird.

Tonight we had practice blackjack at Pam's to teach Sandra and Julie P. how to play. Sandra is going to get herself booted from the casino. We're going to need a new safe word for Sandra for when she's feeling too picked on. I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Work's been a little rough, and I'm in need of a break. The wedding stuff is creeping up on us, too. Now that invitations are out, it's not feeling so far away. Lots of people have received them already. Deep breaths. Lots of deep breaths.


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