Thursday, March 21

The one month to go (and yes, I know you're all counting). Things done: rehearsal dinner invitations addressed and being mailed today, wedding jewelry purchased (thanks to Mary who helped me pick them out), private dance lessons signed up for (to avoid the high school "grab and sway" dance and since the group lessons were such a dismal failure for me), reception music sorted out, the photographer's been paid. Still a few deliquent response cards, but mostly from people who are still trying to work out their schedules (thanks, Sandra, for finally responding--try to be a little speedier with the rehearsal card or else you'll be eating whatever I decide you'll be served).

The house clean-up is going a little more slowly. A bunch of our friends are taking some of the furniture in the basement, which I like a whole lot better than trying to sell it all on the work e-mail sales majordomo or giving it all to Goodwill. We've given a bunch of smaller stuff away, and we're trying to be ruthless on what we keep. My green Woolworth dishes from my last year of college finally made their way to the giveaway pile. We're getting such lovely wedding gifts, and we're turning around and boxing them up. That way, we can keep all the original packing on them and when we get to Boston, it'll be fun to have all new pieces for our new house.

Off now to my personal trainer and then work. Work. Ugh.


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