Thursday, January 16

HBS MBAs Too Rich

My thanks to Diana for sending me the article about Harvard funding education for those going into public service. Diana assured me my "standing in the CWITs should remain untouched by those do-gooders striving for careers in public service." Absolutely, especially given that none of the money will go to people in the business or law school because "departing students are typically offered large salaries."

Interesting. So instead of encouraging law students to become public defenders or prosecutors (please note, that the starting salary for public defenders in the state of Massachusetts is $35,000 a year, which according to my last calculation, means you could pay off your student loan in... um, never?) or helping business students to work for nonprofits, we'll just assume they'll go into big businesses and make megabucks. Seems to me that this is a vicious cycle. Charge so much that students have to go to work for big business, then don't give them any money because they are going into big business. Why not have a program like ROTC for business schools? We'll fund half your education (or whatever) and you commit to four years of work in a nonprofit after grad school. All those folks who would be going into nonprofit anyway would jump at it. And those who wanted to go into big business and earn those megadollars could just keep on moving.

Now, please don't think I'm defending MBAs in anyway here. I just think that a valuable way to make better, more responsible MBAs is being passed by.


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