Friday, January 24

The Rant Not Taken

So apparently I spew out a weekend's worth of blog, and then have nothing else to say? Well, that's not exactly it. What's happened this week is I got all fired up about things when I'm nowhere near a computer, and then by the time I return, I can't recapture the original angst. For instance, on the 22nd, I was burning about the NPR commentary from a formerly pro-choice person (although the rebuttal had me feeling better). The interesting thing about both commentaries is that they came from angles I wasn't really expecting. The anti view was that child abuse hasn't gone down and that women feel like they have no choice; they will get family and boyfriend/husband support for abortions but not for raising a child. The pro side took a strictly medical view: she's a neonatal nurse who has spent too much time watching horribly sick babies suffer and die. My passion for this issue is strong, but my desire to rant about it right now is not, so consider yourself lucky to not have gotten an earful (eyeful?) of my pro-choice views. I think I'm just too tired, because Adam's got some sort of cough that kept me up all night. Which is another thing I could rant about: how as wonderful as marriage is, sometimes it's nice to have a bed to yourself. I could also rant that we had to reclaim our garbage can from our neighbors who took it (as Adam said, "Does it get any more suburban cliche than that?" Actually, he mangled what he said, but that's what he meant). I could rant about the fact that we need a new car (in this weather, Adam's heat works only intermittently, and things seem to just keep falling off). I could rant that work went from snail's pace to slammed, but I don't write about work here. I could go on for a while about how much I just do not care about this year's Super Bowl, because the idiot Dolphins blew it, and how much I really don't care about the Oscars, because I haven't seen any of the movies that are going to be nominated. I could rant... well, actually I couldn't. Because it's time for me to get myself to work. Rant averted.


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