Wednesday, February 25

The Blog Jinx

Whether it was simply revenge for taking him to the cocktail party or, more likely, a blog jinx, Doodles is back to 'round the clock sleeping problems. So last night, we did the unthinkable: we started to Ferberize. It was painful and it involved hours of crying and Doodles was upset, too, but he was in his crib all night. But tonight he's outsmarted us--he has a fever and you can't Ferberize when he's sick (for starters, he needs more fluids so feeding at night is not only okay, but necessary; also he looks so pathetic that I can't help but keep him in my arms all night). In fact, I'm back to typing one handed because he's back asleep on me, which he hasn't done in a while. So we're going to have to start all over with Ferber again in a couple of nights.


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