Wednesday, June 23

Another Wednesday Night

Here I am, another Wednesday night, and I just don't have it in me to do anything creative here. I'm beat. Doodles has become quite the active little monkey (although he hasn't been quite the Holy Terror this week that he was last week), and I'm spending my days chasing him saying, "Oh, that drawer that you keep slamming your fingers into is no fun! Try playing on this nice soft carpeted area" and "Oh, standing holding the bathtub is so passe. Try playing on this nice soft carpeted area" and "Oh, that open staircase you're heading for isn't interesting enough to crawl down. Try playing on this nice soft carpeted area." You get the idea. That and he was up at 4 a.m. today and all his naps were in the stroller so it wasn't like I got to crash out while he was snoozing. I can barely keep my eyes open. My free time has been minimal because I've had a lot of work due. And I had to update Doodles photos online. Takes longer than you would think--all his pictures are good ones.

So, if I were in the mood to blog, here's what I would have been blogging about this week.
  • Running: I'm movin' and groovin' on my marathon training.
  • Weaning: So many feelings about this, so little energy to write about it.
  • Doodles's friend had a first birthday party at our house
  • My utter spaciness: Things like needing to call Adam when I'm halfway down Route 2 because I realize I forgot to turn off the hose that I was using to fill Doodles's pool.
  • I thought there was more, but all I can think of is sleep.
Maybe next week my mojo will be back. Till then, get some sleep. Oh, wait, that's me.


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