This Is the Last Time...
...I post that Doodles is still drinking formula. It's the last time I post that he's not allowed to eat strawberries and honey. It's the last time I post that he's required to be in a rear-facing car seat (although we've decided to keep him rear-facing for another six months at least because it's safer; our car seat can be rear facing to 33 pounds). It's the last time I post that he'll still be an infant.
Because this time next week, my baby will be drinking whole milk, free from the danger from SIDS, and a full-fledged toddler. That's right, a year ago next Monday, Doodles entered our lives. It blows my mind that it's been a year. I look back at our videos and photos of the past year, it amazes me how much he's grown (need the passwords? drop me a line). Such a big boy now. So big that he just had his first hair cut (well that was because I got tired of people referring to him as a "she"). Of course, last August 23 feels like yesterday and yet it feels like a lifetime ago. My sweet little Doodles, turning into a little boy. Excuse me while I go get misty-eyed.

Isn't it the craziest thing how they grow up so quickly? I can't get over it either. One minute you're staying up all night with them and the next they are walking and talking.
Awww. Congrats on your big boy birthday, Doodles!!!!!
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