One, Two, Tie His Shoes
Yes, I find shoes ridiculous. But I acknowledge they are a necessary evil. Which is why I own a few pairs.
And now that my little monkey is getting ready to make the transition from the Infant Room to the Tiny Tot Room at day care, he needs shoes as well. Even though he's not walking, everyone else in the room is, so his little feet are vulnerable to being stepped on. Plus Doodles is cruising, which means his little feetsies need to be protected from the wood chips and garbage in the park. I asked the day care teacher what kind of shoe she suggested, and she said, "Stride Rite." So this past weekend, we all made a trip to the mall so my son could get some tiny little leather things to cover his size 3 extra wide feet.
Do you have any idea how much a pair of Stride Rites cost? Forty friggin' dollars! For a couple of inches of leather and a tiny little sole. Why didn't I go into baby shoes ages ago? I've never heard of anything so outrageous. I can't remember the last time I spent $40 on a pair of shoes and it takes more to cover my feet. And the best part? In two to three months, he'll need a new pair. Let me tell you, for that next pair, my little Doodles precious tootsies will be going into Payless shoes. Forty bucks. Sheesh!
And what do $40 get us? Something that Doodles tries his best to get off his feet as fast as he can.

And what do $40 get us? Something that Doodles tries his best to get off his feet as fast as he can.
*lol* Did you not learn anything from my eBay urgings? Kids grow out of shoes SO fast and it's not like babies have stinky, festering feet - get secondhand on eBay! Zach already has a pair of Buster Browns, a pair of Nikes (which I don't normally get on principal but they came in a lot and they're used so it wasn't entirely my money), and a pair of Weeboks that have the little flashing lights :) And he's going to have to wear him at his next WBV, because they weigh a ton and I need to get him out of the 10% Feel-free-to-harass-my-mom, she's-obviously-not-feeding-me weight category.
You are totally right. I think if I hadn't been paranoid about that first pair fitting perfectly, I would have thought more clearly on the subject. What I should have done is gone to Stride Rite to have him measured and then bought elsewhere. But when they told me how much the shoes were, I went into shock and couldn't think fast enough (seriously--I thought they'd be about $15) to stop Adam from pulling out the credit card. Now that I know he's an extra wide, I can just buy future sizes on ebay. I also got a tip that there's a Stride Rite in Rentham, which I may check out soon. Regardless, I'll be hitting ebay soon because the boy has two fall/winter outfits that will fit him!
I learned the hard way with Sydni. At first I bought the Nike's and Stride Rite's or, uhm, DKNY's. It was when she was about 18 months old and had already grown out of $200 worth of shoes, I wised up. She totally gets payless unless the grandparents or aunts are buying. I just don't have that kind of cash for her GIANT, ever growing feet!
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