Wednesday, November 2

The Same Yet Different

The differences between Doodles and Sweetie Pie:
--Doodles was an orange on a toothpick; Sweetie Pie is a pea on a tree trunk (Doodles as a baby was generally in the 5th percentile for length, 20th percentile for weight, and 75th percentile for head size; Sweetie's head size is in the 25th percentile, but she's in the 90th percentile for both weight and length)
--For Doodles, the swing was the magic sleeping swing of love. For Sweetie Pie, my baby carrier is the magic baby carrier of love.
--By now, Doodles had lost most of his hair; Sweetie Pie's hair is only getting longer.
--Both were/are into the side of their hands. Doodles sucked on his voraciously until he found his first finger; whenever her hand accidentally strays near her mouth, Sweetie Pie goes to town.

The similarities between Doodles and Sweetie Pie:
--Both had serious hair when they were born.
--Both actively disliked their father at some point (Sweetie Pie currently screams bloody murder when Adam holds her; Doodles used to do the same)
--Neither one could/can stand a pacifier. Doodles wouldn't put up with it and Sweetie Pie wails and screams every time I come within two feet of her with a pacifier. (Why do I want her to take a pacifier? Two reasons: 1) Current thinking is that sleeping with a pacifier helps prevent SIDS and 2) I hate having my breast used as a pacifier all night.)
--Both were/are the cutest babies ever (sorry to all my mom friends out there, but you know how it is!)


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