Wednesday, January 25

A Cinematic Moment

Netflix has this feature called Friends. The idea behind Friends is that I can see what my friends are watching, what's in their queue, and what their ratings are. All fine and dandy. A neat idea. My friend Eugene made me one of his Netflix friends.

It's fun to browse through and see what he's watching, because Weegie is a total film geek (as I type he's at Sundance). I can see movies we both hated (Meet the Fockers), movies we both loved (Girl with a Pearl Earring), and ones we disagreed on (how did he not like Mean Girls?). It's a cool little feature until...

...I realized that Weegie can see what's in my queue, too. Not a big deal, you say? Except that I went to film school. Weegie and I became friends because we both worked for the same video store (so to speak). I'm supposed to have taste in film. I'm supposed to be a film snob. So, what's in my queue? The Stepford Wives (the new version), The Notebook, A Lot Like Love, and believe it or not, a few that are even more embarrasing than that. How totally embarrassing. So do I alter my film queue to reflect the kind of movies I think I should be watching? Load it up with Persona, Hiroshima Mon Amour, and Alphaville because they're good for me (and I feel obliged to say that I also like all these films, but you know what? I really don't)? Or do I 'fess up to the world that, yes, I'm currently brain dead and I'm viewing lots of trash. "Check my past rentals," I want to yell. "Look at all those documentaries! I love documentaries!"

Sigh. That said if any of your are on Netflix and want to be my Netfilx Friend, drop me an e-mail (I use a different address for Netflix so you can't just add me). Just please, don't judge me by what I watch.


Blogger Roni said...


That is like us. We're total TV whores and will watch almost anything. Then there is some friends who keep to more intellectual TV than we do or *gasp* keep the TV off.

9:41 AM  
Blogger Eugene said...

It's like having an exercise buddy. They keep you honest.

It's no shame to have the occasional stinker in your Netflix queue. Many people use Netflix to see the kinds of movies they wouldn't buy on DVD or pay to see in theaters. As for those of you with kids, well, you can use that as a built-in excuse, even if it isn't so.

4:23 PM  

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