Wednesday, January 4

A New Year's Success

Our party history with Miss Pie has hardly been a stellar one. A good friend invited our family to a Christmas Eve open house. I couldn't wait! Every year, I try to invite as many people as I can to our house for Hanukkah. We invite Jews and non-Jews alike. Similarly, I hope to expose Doodles and the Lady Pie (or, as she may simply be known, the baby of a thousand nicknames) to as many other religious traditions as I can.

I like Christmas. I really do. I like Christmas as only a non-Christian person can. When this friend said we could help put some ornaments on her tree, I immediately volunteered to come up with an ornament-making project for our kids. I love Christmas cookies. Egg nog lattes are to die for.

So I was so eager for the open house. What a festive night! I dressed Miss Pie up in her finest and myself in my not-so-finest (I plan on wearing the same five shirts over and over for the next year and then once Sweetie Pie is done breastfeeding--and spitting up--burning them all and buying some nice new stuff). Doodles was excited and even Adam was in a party mood.

The party was awesome. But Sweetie Pie was not. About forty minutes into the party she started to howl. And howl. And howl some more. Not breastfeeding, not walking, not nutin' would calm her down. I finally gave up and walked her home, at which point she promptly calmed down and fell asleep. Apparently my wee one is easily overstimulated. Either that or she is not as openminded about being a Jew at a Christmas party.

So while I was very excited for my cousin's now annual baby friendly New Year's Eve party, I was not optimistic about the evening. Our evening routine for Miss Pie has become that she starts to scream, I lay her in my bed, breastfeed her until she falls asleep, and then I sit trapped in bed because I don't dare leave her alone as I know she can wriggle right off. So I warned my cousins that I could very well spend the entire evening in their bed with Miss Pie, holding court.

I'm not sure if it was being lavished with attention by my cousins (Jennifer and Oliver rule at baby wrangling) or if she's just more comfortable with secular holidays, but Sweetie Pie was a dream. She fell asleep in the bouncy chair we brought over, and once she woke, I transferred her to the mei tai where she slept for the rest of the night. Jennifer's mother kept saying to me, "She's fast asleep; don't you want to put her down? Are you sure you don't want to put her down?" but she was so sweet against me and as the mei tai ensures no interference in the champagne-glass-to-mouth motion, I didn't see the point.

Doodles did equally well at the party, staying up until the heretofore unseen hours (at least unseen since he was about five months) of 10 p.m. and then he crashed out on some pillows in the living room. Adam and I got to have our babies nearby and still have a baby-free night. It was perfect! I hope everyone else had an equally wonderful holiday.


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